With the advent of Pandemic in 2020, most of the operations and activities went digital or online, this triggered a global shift towards the need for a robust IT and cybersecurity infrastructure. Governments and organisations across the globe, irrespective of size; location; and operations, invested heavily in the safe and protective IT infrastructure to ensure business continuity. Cybersecurity has always been an important pillar for operational control, and with the Pandemic, it has gained significant momentum across all businesses. In simple terms, ‘Cybersecurity, is the practice of defending or protecting the computers, network, servers, electronic systems, programs, and data from any malicious attacks.

With the advent of Pandemic in 2020, most of the operations and activities went digital or online, this triggered a global shift towards the need for a robust IT and cybersecurity infrastructure. Governments and organisations across the globe, irrespective of size; location; and operations, invested heavily in the safe and protective IT infrastructure to ensure business continuity. Cybersecurity has always been an important pillar for operational control, and with the Pandemic, it has gained significant momentum across all businesses. In simple terms, ‘Cybersecurity, is the practice of defending or protecting the computers, network, servers, electronic systems, programs, and data from any malicious attacks.
5 key protection methods you should consider in your Cyber Security strategy.
1. Identity Protection
One of the essential features to protect customer privacy while using the internet is that many websites collect our data directly or indirectly through IP address, login ID, names, location, and devices. More often, we retain some settings of saving passwords or card details for quick access in the future by trusting the website, but with a weak internet security system, our personal information can be low-hanging fruit for hackers, misusers, or cyber-criminals. Thus it becomes imperative to enable two or more verification methods to enable access to company files and data.
2. Information Protection
Information protection is always a priority for any organisation where there is fear of hackers, corporate espionage, organised crime syndicate to gain access to company data. Information breach is done by accessing files without permission, attacked by malware, trading secret and confidential information.
It becomes crucial to categorise the information by the sensitivity of the data, which can be classified by data hierarchy levels such as top secret, secret, confidential and unclassified.
3. Device Management
In simple terms, device management is implementing, operating, and maintaining physical or virtual devices. It protects the critical systems from malicious and fraudulent activities, unauthorised access, and costly breaches.
Many organisations have their security management program to protect their devices, connected to various networking areas remotely.
Corporations like Capgemini have their device management cyber security services program; Apple has a mobile device management program to protect its network of mass use of the personal device at the workplace. Robust security device management helps update the device as needed, meet the best practices, regulate the devices, and recover and store the data.
4. Endpoint Security
Endpoint security is a method for securing entry point users like laptops and mobile phones from the crookedness of malicious activities. It provides overall security to various networks connected to the devices through antivirus, which gives extensive protection against malware and threats.
The endpoints security program helps in prevent leaking and losing the data by safeguarding it by encrypted data. This program assists in detecting, preventing, accommodating, and accelerating the remediation of malicious activity in devices.
As it is relatable to antivirus with diversified tasks like web security, infiltration, advance antimalware, blocking hostile networks, and improved visibility and functionality.
5. Management Tools
As businesses grows, it is important to implement an integrated management tool to manage an ever expanding digital estate. This allows IT administrator’s better protect,detect, remediate cybersecurity threats in an organisation.
Tools include: Identity Protection, Information Protection, Device Management and Endpoint Security tools.
Microsoft solutions makes it easy by consolidating all cyber security tools in one place and allows you to take an proactive approach to security